‘Poems’ Archive

True Story November 16, 2019 No Comments

my name is __________ i am your mother i carried you for nine months i went to the hospital about a week after your due date wait wait wait at Z__________ Hospital i was nervous i had not even been registered a woman next to me suggested i go to a nearby clinic and showed [...]

A Walk in the Park November 18, 2012 2 Comments

Walk in the parc

A silver beech without her crown.
A pine with limbs lost and bright fresh wounds.
A mighty oak’s snapped trunk.
A linden uprooted [...]

Irrésistible No Comments


Tous participent à la saison des mangues. Les chauves-souris chahutent dans les feuilles. Des mangues tombent – des bruits, encore des bruits dans la nuit. Le lendemain un équilibre précaire entre les branches se faufile au sommet de l’arbre et permet de descendre les fruits verts, dans un sac de riz, avec une corde attachée. Des bassines sur le sol se remplissent, l’une après l’autre. Les feuilles tombent tout autour, faussant un joli tableau. [...]

Irresistible 2 Comments


In mango season all partake. Bats ravage in leaves. Mangoes fall, thud, thud at night. An overture to balance on treetop limbs and lower green fruit, in a rice bag, with a string attached. Basins on the ground fill, one after the other. Leaves fall all around, making a pretty painting. In the neighborhood and beyond, the harvest is shared. We relish comments about the juiciness of the fruit. And recommendations – try them in a green mango salad, try them in a beef stew or stir fry. [...]