Ron Finley : Un guérillero jardinier à South Central LA / A guerilla gardener in South Central Los Angeles May 3, 2013 No Comments
wheelchairs bought and sold
on street corners
like used cars
where do you find an apple
not impregnated by pesticides?![...]
Bilingual / Bilingüe April 26, 2013 No Comments
My father liked them separate, one there,
One here (allá y aquí), as if aware
that words might cut in two his daughter’s heart
(el corazón) and lock the alien part
to what he was—his memory, his name
(su nombre)—with a key he could not claim.[...]
Is Kansas following California down the rabbit hole? April 2, 2013 No Comments
[…] California just voted on a ballot measure, called Proposition 30, which proposed to increase sales and income taxes to be allocated to public schools. An amazing 54 percent of Californians voted to pass the measure, but hold onto your seats, because Berkeley actually voted 90 percent approval of the tax hikes. As much as Johnson [...]
We are “One Woman” March 8, 2013 No Comments
From China to Costa Rica, from Mali to Malaysia acclaimed singers and musicians, women and men, have come together to spread a message of unity and solidarity: We are “One Woman”.[...]
Où mèneront les disputes ? / Where will the disputes lead? February 11, 2013 No Comments
1. Ecoutez le texte audio de Mme Diakité à propos des manifestations d’étudiants à Dakar.
2. Consult the following Langaa book available from African Books Collective or Amazon: “University Crisis and Student Protests in Africa”
Fonio – petit mais puissant January 14, 2013 2 Comments
Fonio (Digitaria exilis) has been grown in West Africa for centuries. Long time reduced to a marginal cereal because of its small grains, fonio is currently experiencing resurgence due to taste and nutritional qualities recognized by its consumers. Recent research has helped mechanize several stages of processing to facilitate the promotion of fonio in local [...]
Fonio – small but powerful 2 Comments
« Le fonio (Digitaria exilis) est cultivé en Afrique de l’Ouest depuis des siècles. Longtemps réduit à l’état de céréale marginale à cause de la petitesse de ses grains, le fonio connaît aujourd’hui un regain d’intérêt en raison des qualités gustatives et nutritionnelles que lui reconnaissent les consommateurs. Des recherches récentes ont permis de mécaniser plusieurs [...]
Happy New Year – Bonne année December 25, 2012 2 Comments
Table ronde sur l’enseignement supérieur en Afrique November 21, 2012 No Comments
SESSION 3 : Développent de l’enseignement supérieur en Afrique et création d’un espace africain de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche.
Cette session présidée par le Professeur Ahmadou Lamine Ndiaye, Président de l’ANSTS s’est déroulée sous la forme d’une table ronde, et a enregistré les interventions de plusieurs personnalités.
Leave one, Take one November 18, 2012 No Comments
One what? A book! Leave one where? In a little street box library, in Brooklyn, New York. But only one that is “imminently readable.” Meaning these new libraries are not places to “dump” unwanted textbooks, for example. Rather, they’re places where readers, without even knowing one another, share treasures with one another. I took a book [...]