True Story November 16, 2019 No Comments

my name is __________ i am your mother i carried you for nine months i went to the hospital about a week after your due date wait wait wait at Z__________ Hospital i was nervous i had not even been registered a woman next to me suggested i go to a nearby clinic and showed [...]

Meet the author and illustrator of “Mary on the Move” October 17, 2019 No Comments

KANSAS CITY, MO — Mary on the Move is a graphic novel, based on the life of Author Kathryn Toure’s mother. Kathryn joins us, along with Illustrator Celeste Wimaru to discuss the inspiration behind the book, how they met and started their collaboration in Kenya, and where you can purchase it.

Une jeune fille sur un bateau ivre: Agathe Uwilingiyimana du Rwanda, par Innocent Butare July 18, 2019 No Comments

Très peu de personnes auront eu à traverser des temps aussi troublés que ceux que vécut Agathe Uwilingiyimana comme Premier ministre du Rwanda avant le génocide. Au sujet de cette femme de tête, ses idées et son action, bien des questions demeurent sans réponse. Qui l’a assassinée et pourquoi ? Aurait-elle tenté un putsch contre le [...]

African Education: Lifelong and Lifewide Learning June 16, 2019 No Comments

This TEDx Talk with Carl Manlan, sharing about learning about resilience and entrepreneurship while “walking down the streets of my neighborhood,” reminds me of my son, walking home from high school in Dakar.

A Step toward Equality and Inclusion: Viewing Education through a Gender Lens, by Pai Obanya April 29, 2019 No Comments

This discussion begins with a clarification of the concepts in the title and goes on to look at the Gender Challenge in access to Education with specific reference to Nigeria and from the ‘meaningful access’ angle. Its main import is an attempt to analyse the Gender Challenge in a holistic sense, while its ultimate intention is to seek ways of reinforcing the role of Counselling in addressing the Gender Challenge as a step towards equality and inclusion in Education, and in society.

Padre Miguel: A Memoir of My Experience in Bolivia Amidst Postcolonial Transformation of Church and State, by Michael J. Gillgannon February 18, 2018 No Comments

I (Kathryn Toure) had the honor and pleasure of working with Father Gillgannon on his book. Please read it and review it on Amazon and share as is appropriate. “Padre Miguel” shares wonderful stories about his work alongside the people of Bolivia and about his encounters with teachers, artists, theologians, and others. He recounts his [...]

Reflecting on Empower Missouri and a Life of Service: Conversations with Mary Kay McPhee December 25, 2017 1 Comment

Mary Kay McPhee of Kansas City accepted, at the age of 90, the invitation of Empower Missouri to be interviewed about her life of service. She embodies the Empower Missouri slogan of advocating for justice and empowering change. In her ethical will and the conversations documented here, she shares her life, values, and hopes.

Ugandan creative writer who found her calling through history December 4, 2017 No Comments

Doreen Baingana advises young people who want to venture into creative writing to ‘read, read, read. Write for yourself. Let yourself fail. Start again’

Do You Know this Missouri History? November 18, 2017 No Comments

I was honored to work with students, teachers, school administrators and community members to deepen understanding of history and culture. Hope you are inspired and learn something insightful and useful in browsing through “Do You Know this Missouri History?” by Liberty North High School juniors of Black Students United. So proud of our students!

Desire for knowledge – Langaa and publishing in Africa September 24, 2017 No Comments

by Francis B Nyamnjoh and Kathryn Toure for University World News: Can enhanced circulation of African worldviews help shape the evolution of humanity? This is our vision at Langaa Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group which, along with other African publishers, stirs the imagination and contributes to cultural development and renaissance. Langaa books expose the conviviality, complexities, vitalities and [...]