Immigrants We Get the Job Done February 2, 2017 No Comments

At a recent Women’s March in Kansas City, at Washington Square Park, I saw a woman holding a sign saying “Immigrants We Get the Job Done.” I have found this to be true, especially ever since I graduated from the University of Kansas in political science and started my professional life working in refugee resettlement [...]

Nous sommes des indigènes de cette planète; nous venons tous de la même Terre… January 30, 2017 No Comments

Ce début de l’année 2017, je pense à notre planète et à veiller sur elle pour que nos petits-enfants et leurs petits-enfants puissent y vivent et jouir de ses beautés et de siècles de créativité et d’ingéniosité humaines.

We Are All Indigenous to this Planet, We All Come from the Same Earth December 24, 2016 No Comments

As 2017 approaches, I am thinking of Earth and caring for Earth, so our grandchildren and their grandchildren may walk this planet and enjoy its beauties and generations of human creativity and ingenuity. I am thinking of Water Protectors and of Earth Guardians and shifts in human consciousness. So in that spirit, I’d like to share these recent videos of our young and prophetic brother Xiuhtezcatl Martinez.

Thèse numérique: Appropriation pédagogique des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) par les éducateurs ouest-africains December 5, 2016 No Comments

Cette recherche examine comment et pourquoi les éducateurs en Afrique de l’Ouest, au Mali en particulier, s’approprient pédagogiquement les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) et avec quels effets. L’appropriation consiste à intégrer, personnellement et dans son milieu, la nouveauté et à la mobiliser de façon stratégique pour répondre aux objectifs contextualisés, souvent [...]

Electronic Thesis: Pedagogical Appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by West African Educators No Comments

This research investigates how and why educators in West Africa, in Mali in particular, pedagogically appropriate information and communication technologies (ICT) and with what effects. Appropriation involves integrating newness into one’s very being and mobilizing it strategically to meet contextualized objectives, often in resistance to the status quo. It is assumed that ICT use is [...]

Garrison School Cultural Center holds fall open house November 7, 2016 No Comments

Dr. Cecelia Robinson will be busy for the next few days as she dons her historian hat and works at finalizing gallery spaces in the Garrison School Cultural Center. Robinson is the historian for the Clay County African American Legacy Inc., but her love of history — and Clay County’s in particular — is a passion to which she has devoted more than 30 years of her time and energy.
Her efforts and those of some William Jewell College students and a few others will be on display Wednesday, Nov. 9, at a fall open house tour that begins at 6 p.m.

De l’Atlantique à l’océan Virtuel : expériences maliennes (itinéraires des enseignants à travers les TIC) November 1, 2016 No Comments

Les enseignantes et enseignants, à travers leur appropriation pédagogique des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) se trouvent – quelquefois émerveillés – au milieu de l’Océan. Derrière eux, il y a tout ce qu’ils ont appris, et devant, ce qu’ils ne connaissent pas encore et qui reste à explorer. Ils accompagnent leurs élèves et en invitent d’autres à les rejoindre dans ce voyage. Ils font de leur mieux pour apprendre, approfondir leur pédagogie et peut-être aussi, à travers leur exemple et leurs actes, encourager le système scolaire à se redynamiser.

From the Atlantic to the Virtual Ocean: Malian Experiences (Teachers’ Itineraries with Technology) No Comments

Teachers, through their pedagogical appropriation of information and communication technology (ICT) are sometimes bewildered – as if in the middle of a new ocean. Behind them is all they have learned, and before them lies so much they do not know and that invites exploration. They accompany their students and invite others to join them in this journey. They do their best to learn, deepen their teaching, and perhaps also, through their example and their actions, encourage the revitalization of the school system.

Nedra Bonds: The angry quilter September 25, 2016 No Comments

I recently visited the Quindaro neighborhood, along the Missouri River, in Kansas City, Kansas, USA with a friend. We paid silent homage to the folk who saved part of the historic village from being turned into a landfill. Read more, much more, in this BBC story, Nedra Bonds: The angry quilter. Nedra Bonds explains what motivated her to turn the family tradition of quilting into a platform for political protest.

Appropriation pédagogique des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) par les éducateurs ouest-africains, livre par Kathryn Toure September 3, 2016 2 Comments

Pedagogical appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICT) by West African educators, 2016 book by Kathryn Toure

Ce livre examine comment et pourquoi les éducateurs en Afrique de l’Ouest, au Mali en particulier, s’approprient pédagogiquement les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) et avec quels effets. L’appropriation consiste à intégrer la nouveauté, personnellement et dans son milieu, et à la mobiliser de façon stratégique pour répondre aux objectifs contextualisés, souvent [...]