L’élaboration de stratégies efficaces April 25, 2016 No Comments

Les prix A. Philip Randolph ont été distribués le 15 avril 2016, au Centre du patrimoine culturel Bruce R. Watkins à Kansas City, USA. Lors de la cérémonie de remise des prix, Patricia Jones, présidente de la section de Kansas City de l’Institut A. Philip Randolph, a partagé des histoires de ce pionnier de l’organisation des travailleurs. Dans les années 1920 et 1930, Randolph a aidé à organiser les porteurs et les femmes de ménage travaillant sur les wagons Pullman de chemins de fer de l’Amérique et a créé le premier syndicat dirigé par les afro-américains. Plusieurs des prix cette année ont été faites aux églises dans la région de Kansas City qui ont fourni des espaces de réunion pour les travailleurs et organisateurs du mouvement ouvrier.

Crafting Effective Strategies No Comments

The A. Philip Randolph awards were distributed on April 15, 2016, at the Bruce R. Watkins Cultural Heritage Center and Museum in Kansas City. In the 1920s and 1930s, Randolph helped organize America’s porters and maids working on the Pullman railroad cars and created the first African-American-led labor union. Many Pullman maids and wives, daughters, and sisters of Pullman porters were members of the Ladies Auxiliary which shaped “public debates over black manhood and unionization, setting political agendas for the black community, and crafting effective strategies to win racial and economic justice.”

Pourquoi les professeurs ouest-africains s’approprient-ils l’internet? / Why do West African professors appropriate internet for teaching? November 24, 2015 No Comments

Pourquoi des professeurs de l’enseignement supérieur en Afrique de l’Ouest s’approprient-ils les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC)? Cette question est abordée à travers une interprétation socioculturelle d’itinéraires de six professeurs. / Why do teachers of higher education in West Africa appropriate information and communications technology (ICT)? This question is addressed through a sociocultural interpretation of ICT itineraries of six professors.

Lecture Me. Really. October 27, 2015 No Comments

A recent New York Times article “Lecture Me. Really.” makes the case for good and great lectures by excellent lecturers combined with active and analytical listening and synthesizing note taking by students, as well as small weekly discussion sections, as a way to teach and learn the humanities at colleges and universities [in the USA] in this day and age. But lectures alone seem to be insufficient.

Pedagogical Appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies by West African Educators August 27, 2015 No Comments

This research investigates how and why educators in West Africa, in Mali in particular, pedagogically appropriate information and communication technologies (ICT) and with what effects. Appropriation involves integrating newness into one’s very being and mobilizing it strategically to meet contextualized objectives, often in resistance to the status quo.

L’intégration régionale au service de la croissance de l’Afrique / Regional integration for inclusive growth January 15, 2015 No Comments

Le groupe de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) a placé l’édition 2014 de son rapport sur le développement en Afrique sous le signe de “l’intégration régionale au service de la croissance inclusive”. Développement des réseaux de distribution et des échanges régionaux au sein des chaînes de valeur mondiales et africaines, dans lesquelles s’inscrit le [...]

Nollywood : A travers les yeux des Nigérians et d’autres ressortissants d’Afrique de l’Ouest October 16, 2014 1 Comment

Le but de l’étude qu’on propose ici est d’essayer de comprendre ce que Nollywood apporte au continent et à la diaspora africains. Cette industrie du cinéma est importante pour les Africains, y compris les Nigérians, parce qu’elle se détache des stéréotypes et des histoires racontées par d’autres.

Nollywood: Through the Eyes of Nigerians and Other West Africans 1 Comment

The purpose of the proposed study is to begin to understand what Nollywood brings to the African continent and the African Diaspora around the world. This movie industry is important for Africans, including Nigerians, as they break away from the stereotypes and stories set and told by others.

Alioune Badara Camara (1951-2014) : Un grand Monsieur s’en est allé / A big man has departed August 30, 2014 1 Comment

Alioune Badara Camara, may his soul rest in peace, was a friend of education and lifelong learning, which he supported and exemplified. When at the International Development Research Center (IDRC), he supported research across Africa on teachers and students creatively and strategically use technologies like computers and internet and mobile phones to change teaching and learning, making it more active and engaging and more up to date. He supported the Education Research Network for West and Central Africa (Ernwaca) in working with hundreds of researchers and policymakers. As important as the IDRC grants were the expertise and experience he willingly shared, in a spirit of dialogue and partnership, of co-construction.

Violence in Ferguson didn’t have to happen August 17, 2014 No Comments

FERGUSON, MO. The Rev. Tommie Pierson was meeting in his church a week ago Saturday when, only blocks away, multiple bullets fired from a Ferguson police officer’s pistol pierced the body of Michael Brown, leaving the unarmed African-American teen dead on the street.