In This I Believe: Greetings July 28, 2014 No Comments

A cashier at a café at Johnson Country Community College (Kansas, USA), where I spend a few hours most days these days, inspired me to share something I read earlier this year by a friend of a friend. The cashier explained how some people, while they order and pay for their breakfast or lunch or snack with him, chat on their cellphones and toss debit or credit cards at him, never making eye contact or otherwise acknowledging him as a person. An essay by a friend of a friend on the importance of greetings came to mind, and I thought I’d share it. Here goes…

Journal of Educational Research in Africa (JERA) / Revue Africaine de Recherche en Education (RARE), No. 5, 2013 May 13, 2014 No Comments

The fifth edition of the Journal of Educational Research in Africa contains eight papers on educational issues in North and West Africa. They relate to technical training, higher education and curriculum reform as well as overeducation, child labor, religious pluralism at school, and the influence of mothers’ educational levels on their children’s academic performance. The [...]

Novel by Sierra Leonean wins 2013 literary award May 3, 2014 1 Comment

Pede Hollist’s So the Path Does Not Die, published by Langaa in 2012, was named 2013 Book of the Year for Creative Writing by the African Literature Association (ALA) at its annual meeting in April 2014 in Johannesburg, South Africa.This award is for an outstanding book of African literature, whether novel, nonfiction prose, play, or [...]

Living through a tragedy April 20, 2014 No Comments

Three persons lost their lives outside a Jewish Community Center in the Kansas City area one week ago, as a result of hate crimes, which we deplore. Our thoughts go out to their loved ones. The article below, from the Johnson Country Community College newspaper by a young journalist that found himself at the Center near the time of the tragedy, attests to hope and humanity, and the power of youth.

Ramata Molo Thioune, économiste de l’environnement : « Les personnes sont peu sensibilisées sur les risques liés aux déchets électroniques » April 10, 2014 No Comments

Les déchets électroniques et informatiques peuvent poser des problèmes de santé publique s’ils ne sont pas bien gérés. C’est ce qui ressort de l’entretien avec l’économiste de l’environnement du Centre de recherches pour le développement international (Crdi), Ramata Molo Thioune, qui affirme que les pays comme les nôtres peuvent tirer des opportunités du recyclage de ces déchets.

Poem / Poème: Devoir de mémoire April 7, 2014 2 Comments

April 7 is the Day of Remembrance to honor the victims of the Rwanda Genocide, which started 20 years ago. As part of the process of healing the wounds of genocide, at the commemoration in Dakar, Senegal, the following poem by Kim Claire was sung by Kim and her friends.

The art of provocation: Kansas City artist A. Bitterman takes a fresh look at old problems March 17, 2014 No Comments

Lately, Bitterman has been spending a lot of time thinking about Troost Avenue [in Kansas City] and all the failed efforts to overcome the inequities of black and white, east and west. “We see Troost as a problem, but it’s a symptom of a problem,” he said. He asked himself, What if the city was segregated, but it was me? That question is the basis for a film in progress, “Half Life.” As he writes in his synopsis: “Haunted by a city that seems permanently divided, the artist wakes up on a bus to find himself transformed — half black, half white — a personification of the city itself. An existential crisis unfolds.”

“Jayhawkers” – Feature Film March 15, 2014 No Comments

Unlikely allies in 1950s Kansas, modernize college sports, & parallel the Civil Rights movement that would transform an entire nation.

‘Jayhawkers’ film shows how Lawrence transformed on racial issues No Comments

This is a local story with deeply significant undertones. Among its many storylines is how the actions of a few made all the difference in the lives of others. University of Kansas Chancellor Franklin Murphy, Coach F.C. “Phog” Allen, Kansas City Call general manager Dowdal Davis and others used Chamberlain’s presence in Lawrence to push race relations a little closer to equality. Chamberlain (deftly played by KU basketball player Justin Wesley) instituted change by being present and a star player.

5e édition du Forum des enseignants innovants: Stimulateur de l’ingéniosité February 13, 2014 No Comments

Jusque-là, le nombre des participants est dérisoire. Une meilleure prise en charge des projets et un meilleur suivi des enseignants primés sont susceptibles de garantir cet esprit d’émulation. Pour la cinquième année consécutive, le Cnipre (Centre national d’innovation pédagogique et de recherches en éducation) organise en collaboration avec la Fondation Microsoft le Forum des enseignants [...]