Internet et éducation en Afrique : Soyons intelligents, soyons vigilants February 5, 2014 No Comments

L’utilisation de technologies comme l’ordinateur et l’internet en éducation est-elle en train de changer l’enseignement et l’apprentissage ? Oui ! C’est ce que des dizaines de chercheurs africains, ayant travaillé de 2003-2012 en collaboration avec des chercheurs de l’Université de Montréal, ont trouvé. Les données de terrain de plus d’une centaine écoles à travers le continent ont [...]

Being smart about using internet in education No Comments

Is the use of technologies like the computer and internet ineducation changing teaching and learning? Yes! This is what dozens of African researchers,working from 2003 to 2012 in collaboration with researchers at the University of Montreal, found. Field data from over one hundred schools across the African continent has been made available as open data [...]

Turn the Page reading initiative gets national recognition January 31, 2014 No Comments

Turn the Page KC, an effort to improve third-grade reading proficiency in Kansas City schools, has received some national recognition.
The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading has named Turn the Page one of its “35 Pacesetters for 2013.”

Does Communication Enrich Integration Policies? October 21, 2013 No Comments

This chapter draws lessons from this three-way discussion and explores how these players—those who design and implement public policies, researchers and journalists—can invent and lead discussion forums in order to influence policies that are closer to citizens’ reality and expectations and that accompany integration.

Ghanaians Mourn a Poet and Scholar Killed in Nairobi Mall Attack September 24, 2013 1 Comment

Mr. Awoonor — poet, diplomat, statesman, scholar and cultural icon in his native Ghana — was killed in the terrorist attack by Somali militants on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi. His death at 78 has shocked citizens in Ghana, the West African nation whose difficult beginnings and subsequent steadying he accompanied and chronicled.

Promotion and self-promotion: Women may fail to win chairs because they do not cite themselves enough September 19, 2013 No Comments

ONE of academia’s deficiencies is that, though its lecture halls and graduate schools are replete with women, its higher echelons are not. Often, this is seen as a phenomenon specific to the sciences. A report published in 2008 by America’s National Science Foundation, for example, found that in most fields of science and engineering male [...]

AIMS: Unleashing Africa’s beautiful minds September 12, 2013 No Comments

Newton, Einstein, Hawking — they showed us the power of one beautiful mind to radically alter our understanding of the universe. Clarisse Uwizeye could be the next genius to turn science on its head, yet the world nearly lost her beautiful mind.
At age seven, Uwizeye barely escaped the genocide in her homeland of Rwanda, fleeing with her family to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Two years later, war came to Congo and the family had to run again, back to Rwanda. Her parents vanished, never to be seen again.

Election présidentielle pacifique au Mali : Tiken Jah Fakoly projette l’organisation d’un concert géant pour saluer l’événement August 21, 2013 No Comments

« Au moment où le monde entier commençait à croire qu’il est impossible d’organiser une élection en Afrique sans contestations qui provoquent des milliers de morts, le Mali vient de prouver le contraire et honoré le continent », a indiqué Tiken Jah Fakoly. Et, pour saluer cet exemple malien, il projette l’organisation d’un concert géant [...]

Mali : Duel à mort pour un siège inconfortable July 31, 2013 No Comments

Ouestafnews – La réconciliation entre Maliens et la réunification du pays, ainsi qu’un vaste chantier d’une reconstruction politique et économique, attend le prochain président du mali, quel que soit le vainqueur du scrutin du 28 juillet 2013.

Barack Obama to face protests in South Africa after years of laissez-faire June 30, 2013 No Comments

Symbolism will hang heavy this weekend when Barack Obama visits Soweto, the cradle of South Africa’s black liberation struggle, and Robben Island, the prison where Nelson Mandela, who remained in critical condition in hospital last night, languished for years, plotting his nation’s rebirth [...]