Posts Tagged ‘Africa’

Is Decolonization More Than a Buzzword? January 19, 2025 No Comments

The 4th African Studies Association of Africa (ASAA) biennial conference was all about being human and (re)imagining the human from Africa. About 600 people participated, in person from Cape Town and/or virtually. The theme of decolonization was discussed in many of the 160 sessions over five days in April 2022 2. This chapter explores some of the themes that emerged in the presentations and discussions on decolonization, which some called merely a buzzword. Is decolonization more than a buzzword? And if so, is it even possible to achieve decolonization? To begin the reflection, how is the concept defined? Wunpini Fatimata Mohammed (2022), drawing on other scholars, writes that “Decolonization is rooted in dismantling colonial and imperialist systems… built into the social, economic, political, cultural, and religious realities of colonized peoples” and “requires tremendous work and effort in addressing these injustices.

Decolonize, Humxnize February 27, 2024 No Comments

Whose knowledge counts? Why delve deep to understand self, history and intercontinental relations? How do people and communities heal from the wounds of colonization and related trauma passed from generation to generation? Such intractable questions are explored in this collection of essays on decolonization. To decolonize means to humxnize, which is of even greater urgency [...]

Policy Brief Writing Workshop, in five parts December 12, 2022 No Comments

Writing an impactful policy brief requires knowledge and practice. This workshop agenda supports learners to gain some of both. It covers what should be considered in drafting a policy brief, what should be included in one, and what makes for an impactful policy brief. The agenda may be adapted for writing policy briefs in relation [...]

Is Decolonization More Than a Buzzword? August 14, 2022 No Comments

Through a “tour” of sessions of the April 2022 African Studies Association of Africa (ASAA) conference, Kathryn Toure tries to show that decolonization, more than jargon or a mere buzzword, is a process in progress.

Canadian Authors who wrote on Africa April 24, 2021 No Comments

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Contextualising Ethics in a Dynamic World April 23, 2021 No Comments

On the one hand, research ethics are universal in that they have to do with respecting rights and dignity, not doing harm, and ensuring community participation in research and benefits to the communities where the research takes place. On the other, context is dynamic and plays a role in determining the ethical considerations in research processes. Tensions exist. How do [...]

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in Africa: A Dialogue on Policy Perspectives and Investment Options April 18, 2021 No Comments

Africa was largely left out of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd industrial revolutions. In the 4th, technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship will be the norm in all sectors of society. This could greatly benefit the people of Africa, however, any deep societal inequalities will be reproduced. If, on the other hand, inequalities are consciously brought forward and addressed, I anticipate an inclusive 4th industrial revolution that contributes to the Africa We Want. That is why I argue for applying a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens to all policies and programs at national and regional levels.

Covid Stories from East Africa and Beyond: Lived Experiences and Forward-Looking Reflections January 15, 2021 No Comments

Coronavirus happened and is still with us. Its impact has been far reaching, and many lives have been deeply disrupted, even lost. Africans have sought to cope with it in various ways, including giving it names of derision, names of defiance, and names that point to a determination to overcome it. In one of Kenya’s [...]

Parenting Across Cultures, Continents, and Generations No Comments

When I was asked to write on feminist parenting, I checked in with my adult children using social media and asked if I’m a feminist parent. With their resounding assurances – which I share later – I felt comfortable writing this essay. I begin by recounting how our children were born with feminist touches and [...]

We read African authors July 5, 2020 No Comments

Quarantine for some is a time for reading. For inspiration, I’d like to share two lists of potential reads – from the Nairobi book club (which I joined in 2018). Since 2013, members have read over 75 books and short stories by African authors (mainly) from over two dozen countries. These works are chronicled in [...]