Posts Tagged ‘Africa’

L’appropriation pédagogique des technologies : un processus socioculturel June 7, 2020 No Comments

Fonlon (2010) décrit la culture comme la transformation continuelle de soi et de son environnement. Au 21e siècle, le renouvellement continu de la culture scolaire ne se fera pas en dehors de la société en générale, ni de la société du savoir et des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) sur lesquelles elle repose et qui sont de plus en plus utilisées dans les écoles.

Usages et appropriation des technologies éducatives en Afrique:Quelques pistes de réflexion June 6, 2020 No Comments

Ce livre veut faire état de l’appropriation des technologies, dans divers contextes africains, par les enseignants et les apprenants de l’enseignement primaire, secondaire et universitaire. Pour ce faire, il présente les travaux de chercheurs de différents pays d’Afrique – Bénin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Niger et Sénégal.

A Step toward Equality and Inclusion: Viewing Education through a Gender Lens, by Pai Obanya April 29, 2019 No Comments

This discussion begins with a clarification of the concepts in the title and goes on to look at the Gender Challenge in access to Education with specific reference to Nigeria and from the ‘meaningful access’ angle. Its main import is an attempt to analyse the Gender Challenge in a holistic sense, while its ultimate intention is to seek ways of reinforcing the role of Counselling in addressing the Gender Challenge as a step towards equality and inclusion in Education, and in society.

Desire for knowledge – Langaa and publishing in Africa September 24, 2017 No Comments

by Francis B Nyamnjoh and Kathryn Toure for University World News: Can enhanced circulation of African worldviews help shape the evolution of humanity? This is our vision at Langaa Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group which, along with other African publishers, stirs the imagination and contributes to cultural development and renaissance. Langaa books expose the conviviality, complexities, vitalities and [...]

Excellent paper, in open access journal, on development forces/directions in the Democratic Republic of Congo April 23, 2017 No Comments

This type of territorial structure significantly influences the way the country functions, on a domestic level and also in terms of international relations, both African and non-African.

Behold the Dreamers March 24, 2017 No Comments

They had crossed the Delaware Memorial Bridge and were more than halfway back from Washington, D.C., cruising through New Jersey with turnpike signs appearing every few miles. “Tell me about Limbe,” Clark said. “I want to hear about this place where you grew up.” Jende smiled. “Oh, sir,” he said, his voice rising with nostalgia, [...]

From the Atlantic to the Virtual Ocean: Malian Experiences (Teachers’ Itineraries with Technology) November 1, 2016 No Comments

Teachers, through their pedagogical appropriation of information and communication technology (ICT) are sometimes bewildered – as if in the middle of a new ocean. Behind them is all they have learned, and before them lies so much they do not know and that invites exploration. They accompany their students and invite others to join them in this journey. They do their best to learn, deepen their teaching, and perhaps also, through their example and their actions, encourage the revitalization of the school system.

Pedagogical appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICT) by West African educators, 2016 book by Kathryn Toure September 2, 2016 4 Comments

Pedagogical appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICT) by West African educators, 2016 book by Kathryn Toure

West African teachers and professors who are appropriating information and communication technologies (ICT) are making it part and parcel of education and everyday life. In Mali and beyond, they adapt ICT to their milieus and work as cultural agents, mediating between technology and society. They yearn to use ICT to make education more relevant to [...]

La technologie, change-t-elle quelque chose, selon les enseignants ouest-africains ? May 18, 2016 No Comments

L’analyse interprétative des entretiens avec des éducateurs ouest-africains, femmes et hommes, révèle des changements et des possibilités de changement à des niveaux multiples avec l’appropriation pédagogique des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC).

Does technology change anything, according to West African teachers? No Comments

The interpretive analysis of interviews with West African educators, men and women, reveals changes and possibilities of change at multiple levels with the pedagogical appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICT).